Orecchiette with Broccoli and Goat Cheese

Good morning!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I am excited for today because:

1. I am Irish

2. I turned 21 a few months ago, so now I can finally enjoy the glory of today…GREEN BEER, YES PLEASE!

3. Green is my favorite color, though surprisingly despite my abundance of green paraphernalia, I barely have any green clothes.

4. Even though I work today, I’m off at 5, giving me ample time to celebrate

5. If all other plans fall through, I live 3 blocks away from an Irish bar that I know will be a good place to get down.

6. As silly as it sounds, today marks a year and a half since Matt and I started dating, so if nothing else, I will drink to that!

I thought that in spirit of today I would give you a sort of green recipe that I tried yesterday with my friends Sohini and Kati.

One of my favorite cooking magazines, Saveur, posted an article preaching the wonders and versatility of goat cheese – as if the world didn’t already know!

No matter, I promptly sent the link to Sohini, who loved it and insisted we cook all of the recipes, so I headed over to her house to start cooking up a goat cheese feast.

Ok, so there’s like 20 recipes and there was only 3 who would be eating, so we toned it down to 2, a savory and a sweet goat cheese application.

More on the sweet later.

For the savory, we settled on a Orecchiette Salad, which we altered slightly from the original.

Our recipe goes as follows:

16 oz Orecchiette Pasta

12 oz Broccoli, sliced thin and blanched

12 oz Heirloom Cherry Tomatoes

8 cloves of peeled garlic, sauteed until golden brown

Zest of 1 lemon

Moderately sized handful of red pepper chili flakes

5 oz. Goat Cheese, or more, at room temp

A drizzle of olive oil

I love the color variants heirloom tomatoes provide!

The assembly is simple,

Boil orecchiette in lightly salted water until slighty al dente

Blanch broccoli in boiling water and then shock in an ice bath to keep their bright color

Halve cherry tomatoes

In a large pot saute garlic until golden then add chili flakes

Incorporate pasta, broccoli, and tomatoes into pot

Drizzle with olive oil and zest lemon

Mix together

Top with small dabs of goat cheese

Allow the cheese to soften and then stir together

This may be one of my new favorite pasta salads. The goat cheese acts as a fabulous sauce and works well with the lemon zest and chili flakes. This is the perfect summer picnic salad or side dish at a BBQ because its so bright and flavorful! The best part about this pasta salad? Its just as tasty hot or cold! (I’m eating the cold leftovers this very moment)!

Us girls ate it as our entree, but we were also making a delicious goat cheese dessert, so we wanted to keep dinner light.

For a a little more protein some roughly chopped walnuts and/or grilled chicken would be GREAT in this!

Well, I am off to celebrate a very jolly Saint Patty’s Day! Everyone have a wonderful evening and be safe!

RAW Food Challenge Day 6

Today is the eve of my last day! Yay!

I woke up this morning to TONS of sunlight flooding through my blinds, so I said “what the heck, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” and I opened my blinds to warm up my room and hopped back in bed to snuggle my little kitten for just a few more minutes before getting up.

Lucy, my roomie, and I caught up over coffee in the kitchen while I made my breakfast and lunch to take to work. I am SO pleased to announce that she is going to be starting a blog of her very own! Title and specific theme yet to be determined, but she’s toying with the idea of starting one on her travels through San Francisco until a specific idea strikes her the most. To be honest, I would like to just read a blog about her day to day life, ’cause it’s pretty darn interesting. For instance, this past weekend she went to a dinosaurs v. cave men themed dress up party, I saw her costume, it was pretty epic. I will be sure to post the link when it’s finally up and running!

Anyway, back to my morning. I didn’t do any prep work for my food today last night, so I was in a bit of a dither over what to make. I was thinking of doing another pie in a jar, but didn’t want to copy something I’d already done. I did want overnight oats and the rest of my almond milk and some fruit and of course protein. But I didn’t want an apple, or just regular nuts.

What to do?

I was looking at what I had and thinking back to what I’ve already made for breakfast…overnight oats with chia and apple, the 3 smoothies, chard and banana roll up.

Chard and Banana Roll Up…my play on a PB&J Roll Up…that’s it!

Peanut Butter and Jelly Overnight Oats!

Or more so,

Breakfast: Peanut Butter and Berry Overnight Oats

(No jelly for me)

The recipe:

1 cup raw oats

1 cup raw almond milk

2 Tbs Raw Peanut Butter

Handful of berries, I went with raspberries

Toss it all in a bowl and eat!

I should have soaked the oats, but it actually turned out all right in the end because I wasn’t too hungry when I woke up so I popped my oats in a jar and let them sit until I got to work, by that time they had softened up a bit and were VERY yummy.

I really really really like this recipe. Its so simple and quick and oh so very tasty!

Lunch: Chopped Veggies and Avocado Orange Dip

Because work in the restaurant is usually so fast paced I knew I needed a lunch that wouldn’t tie me down with utensils or huge bites of food. I needed something that I could take quick bites of in between taking orders and tending to my tables.

The perfect lunch seemed to be veggies and dip, since I have such an abundance of veggies at the moment!

I rummaged through my fridge and pulled out some broccoli, cherry tomatoes, snow peas, and red bell pepper. Literally took 5 minutes to chop, since I only had to cut off the broccoli florets and slice the bell pepper!

I swear it, I think I love broccoli raw better than I like it cooked!

I was feeling ambitious this morning, so I saved the base of the broccoli to turn into a broccoli slaw!

Now about that dip…

You take one of these

And one of these

And put them together

No, not like that! Gosh, I can be a little ridiculous sometimes.

Put them together like this

Then put it in a pretty glass to take a picture! After sprinkling some sesame seeds on top, put it in the center of your veggie platter.

I put the avocado dip in a jar to go and put the pit back in to keep it nice and green

Yum Yum, it was so good today!

I also would like to tell you all that although there are days I HATE working as a waitress, there are days, like today, when my customers just make me so happy. Most of the time these customers only come up to my waist and have tiny hands that love to hold crayons.

Yes, often times my favorite customers are children. I really do love kids, not that I’m looking to have any in the near future, I’m only 21! But getting to interact with them at work is just enough interaction for now.

There is one girl in particular named Andee, a 5 year old, who is just the cutest thing ever. She is a stunning little thing with light brown hair and usually dressed from head to toe in varying shades of pink. Today, she came in with fake tattoos all down both arms, the result of a play date with her friend. Her whole family in general is so sweet, we always chit chat when it’s not too busy and they are so kind in remembering the little things that go on in my life. The first thing they said to me today was “we made sure to come in today so we could hear all about how your raw food challenge is going!”

Today was made extra special because Andee gave me a very special note and left an adorable coloring of her and I on the table that I would like to share with you.

Andee is the short one with pigtails (which she had her hair in today) and I’m the tall one with the ponytail (which is how I wore my hair today) and the green and orange dress (which she knows are my favorite colors). Oh and we are both princesses, which is obviously accurate.

This almost brought me to tears, it was so unexpected and unbelievably sweet. I love this child. So very much.

There is another little boy who comes in every weekend and he periodically gives me sweet photos, but I especially liked this one

This was the first time I’d see him since before Valentines, so he said this was his Valentines card for me!

As rewarding as work was thanks to my kiddie love, the physical labor was a tad draining. So I came home and have been relaxing by re-watching episodes of Downton Abbey. I can’t get enough of this show!

Dinner: Homemade Trail Mix and Fresh Raspberries

Strangely, I wasn’t too hungry for dinner so I kept it pretty light

Just a little homemade trail mix filled with:

Raw Pecans

Raw Walnuts

Sun dried Raisins

Sun dried Cherries

Easy peezy, lemon squeezy

Maybe this is a sad excuse for a dinner, but it was all I was in the mood for, and it was wonderful.

I’m having a nice lazy Saturday night, which may make me sound like a loser, but I don’t care. I like sitting in bed wearing my biggest sweatshirt and a pair of my man’s tube socks slowly munching on trail mix while I watch the latest scandal at the Downton house unfold!

What is your favorite way to spend a lazy Saturday? Do any of you watch Downtown Abbey? Have any other shows you love watching over and over again?