Raw Food Day 1 Midnight Snack


Don’t tell, but sometimes, I get hungry late at night…like, real late. When I probably shouldn’t be snacking. Sometimes I am able to ward off these cravings, but then there are nights like tonight, after a day of eating raw, that I had a hankering. And I had it BAD.

Tonight, my midnight munchies were callin’ out for something crunchy.

I looked around my kitchen for something quick, raw, and healthy. Plus, almost all the corners of my tongue were calling out for something special. A sweet treat. Something savory. With a touch of sour to make my lips pucker, but just a little bit. And honestly I needed something with some protein and a little fat.

Then the pieces of the puzzle fit together.

That hint of sour = 1 large Granny Smith Apple

A little sweetness = 1 Tbs. Raw Honey

The savory vessel = 3 Tbs. Raw Peanut Butter

And that is how my little midnight snack was born

I know mother’s everywhere, except for maybe my mom, cause she’s a cool mom,  are thinking, “don’t play with your food!” But come on!

Look how cute that little apple sandwich is.

That’s that, I’ve said my peace, my belly is full, and finally I’m ready for slumber.

What do you like to eat in the wee hours of the morning?